Ade the Enterprising Potters Blog
We are a reinvented small distillery in Derbyshire seeking your help
Ade and Bec of The Church Farm Craft Company are creatives making beautiful things for the Chatsworth Estate. Ade says "We just want a chance to do something amazing, memorable, unique, special and from the heart, something we can be proud of, that brings joy to folk and celebrates the farm and Derbyshire, and we need help, your help. Pledge and we will reward you with one of the several options on the Crowdfunder.
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We need your help to raise funds in exchange for rewards
"we just want a chance to do something amazing, memorable, unique, special and from the heart, something we can be proud of, that brings joy to folk and celebrates the farm and Derbyshire and we need help, your help."
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The Enterprising Potter making lovely things and unique gifts
The transition into artisan ceramics has been a natural progression for Ade and Becky. With Ade's dedication to mastering the craft of pottery and Becky's artistic talents as an illustrator, the duo has found a perfect balance in their new venture
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Every Gin flask takes me many hours of work, but I love every moment.
Truly the most unique Gin available maybe in the world? Honestly unique and beautiful a collectors dream addition.
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