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A Long and Exciting Artisan Journey Begins... - The Church Farm Craft Company A Long and Exciting Artisan Journey Begins... - The Church Farm Craft Company

A Long and Exciting Artisan Journey Begins...

A long, exciting journey starts with a single step. 2025 is going to be our year. Bec and I have recovered from the flu, and it’s had a profound effect. The time away gave us time to reflect and regroup. We know we have something very special here, and we are determined to bridge the gaps in our understanding of modern marketing and social media and defeat our confidence demons to lead us to success.

We’ve so much going for us and so much going for our unique business that it’s time we held our heads high and achieved all the things, goals and dreams we set out to do. I think you’ll like what we are working on and be surprised by what we are working on.

We are proud to be a part of the @actually_made_in movement. After having our arses firmly (and rightly) kicked by very good friends in the industry, we are going to be active in that movement, champion it and hopefully, in time, be trusted ambassadors for it. Let’s do this. @the_spirits_reviewer ❤️ •

Crowdfunder—For those who donated (thanks again), I’ll email you tomorrow requesting things like t-shirt size, etc. All incentive packages will be going out in the next 15 days. 

Reserve Flask—A thank you pack with your discount voucher and a cheeky 5cl of a gin we are developing will be with you in the next 15 days.

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